Solo travel.
It’s a beautiful thing.
You get to explore places and absorb experiences at your own pace. You’re travelling on your own terms and making independent choices. Meeting people, visiting attractions, and uncovering hidden gems, that’s all on you. What a wonderful way to travel.
I know you’re here because you’re considering solo travel. You’re considering taking that leap of faith and stepping into the unknown. However, the very concept daunts you. And that’s totally ok! Or maybe you’re completely ready and are here for some tips. That’s ok too! Whatever you need, I’m here for you. Rhyme intended.
With that being said, here are my top tips for solo travel so that you can make the most of your next adventure.
Get Your Research On

When you decide to travel solo, the internet is your best friend. Conduct loads of research. Start by looking up the best destinations to travel solo. Especially if it’s your first time. In this day and age, you’ll probably be able to find everything about a destination before you go there. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Spend some time researching various attractions. Look up neighborhoods that are safe to stay, decent restaurants and hidden gems in safe locations. Prepare for all kinds of contingencies. Cover your bases.
Start Small
Solo Travel is all about getting familiar with the concept. You don’t have to go full throttle from the get-go. Start small. Venture somewhere nearby and close to home for your first solo adventure. Get accustomed to the idea of travelling alone, making your own decisions, taking responsibility of your finances, and relying on only yourself.
When you take a few smaller trips, you’ll be able to figure out how you handle situations make decisions and conduct yourself when you’re alone. Call it ‘baptism by fire if you will.’ Imagine how comfortable you’ll be when you finally decide to travel for a longer duration to a farther location. Solo Travel Pro right here folks!
Keep an Open Mind
Not every destination is unsafe and not every person is dangerous. I’ve heard many travelers having noteworthy experiences in places that are otherwise considered perilous to solo travel. Open your mind to experiences. Sometimes, the best memories come from the most unexpected places. Quote me.
Adopt the Chatterbox Approach

Not in the literal sense. But you need to step out of your comfort zone and talk to people. Easier said than done, I know. But look at it this way.
From a safety standpoint, the more people you talk to, the more they get acquainted with you, especially in your place of accommodation. Drop subtle hints like the time you’re expected to return, exchange a few pleasantries. That way you almost have a backup in case things go south.
From an adventure standpoint, you get to meet new people, gain from their experiences, learn new things, and take away some wonderful memories. Solo travelers have often benefitted from the experiences of others when on their adventures.
Safety Trumps Kindness
Self-preservation above all. Once you’ve decided to travel solo, you must remember that your only backup is yourself. You have to keep you safe and return back home in top condition.
You’ll come across several people along the way who’ll ask you to buy something (sometimes even force you) or get you to pay money under false pretenses. Trust in your intuition and avoid such people. Remember to stay firm, put your foot down and establish when something makes you uncomfortable. Its beneficial in the long run.
Don't Overshare
When you’re travelling solo, safety is of paramount importance. So, it’s best not to publicly share your whereabouts. Hold off on the Facebook Check-ins for a bit.
I’m not saying it happens often, but this helps avoid any unwanted attention. You could always check-in the next day, or after you’ve left the spot. Kind of like a late check-in. Pun intended.
That being said however, you should totally go ahead and overshare with your family. Before you leave, give them an itinerary, a list of important contact details and different ways to get in touch with you as well. Check in with them often and inform them of your whereabouts. Be like the human embodiment of ‘Find my iPhone.’
Exude Confidence

As the saying goes ‘fake it till you make it.’ In other words, act confident even if you don’t feel it on the inside. If you look scared and vulnerable you open yourself to the possibility of being hustled by seasoned professionals.
Stand tall, look people in the eye and carry yourself like you know what you’re doing. Eventually, that confidence will become natural and the idea of solo travel won’t be so daunting.
Travel During the Day
As much as possible, try to travel during the day. Daylight equals safety and security. Of course, if a special event/ attraction needs to be visited once the sun sets then that’s ok!
Just make sure that you know your way around, there is an ample amount of crowd and your self-imposed precautions are in place.
Try to Blend in
Pretty self-explanatory, but the best way to avoid any attention is by blending in. Sticking out like a sore thumb attracts attention. Sometimes quite unwanted. Try to research the clothing of the region in advance so you don’t stand out too much.
You don’t have to dress up in local attire unless that tickles your fancy. However, a few mindful actions can go a long way. For example, if certain destinations favour conservative wear, pack accordingly.
Always be Prepared

Make sure you’ve prepared yourself for all foreseeable contingencies. This ensures that you don’t have to depend on anyone for much assistance.
Pack all your necessities, ensure you’ve made copies of all essential documents and stored them both online and offline. Make bookings in advance and so on.
Personally, I also like to have an overview of how I’ll spend my day so that I know what the day holds. I’m not too fond of leaving it to the last minute. It just gives me peace of mind and allows me to space my activities. But to each his own so, you do you.
Get Local
It’s literally the best way to enjoy and make the most of your solo travel adventure. Don’t be afraid to ask around. Don’t know something? Ask a local. Need directions? Ask a local. Food suggestions? Ask a local. Hotel? Trivago. Staged it perfectly. So proud of myself!
But jokes aside, getting some sound advice from locals really amps up your trip experience. I for one, love asking them about meal suggestions and hidden gems. A few have also given me some invaluable budget-friendly hacks as well.
Pack Light
When you’re on your own, efficient packing is super important. You’ve got to lug your own stuff so pack accordingly. I usually like to make an exhaustive list of everything I’ll need on a particular trip. Then I’ll slowly start stripping down things I can avoid. I also replace large items with their smaller versions.
Practice Moderation
When I say moderation I mean anything that results in inebriation. I’m talking about alcohol. Eating local cuisine is an important part of travel, and local beverages only aim to accentuate that experience. Treat yourself but don’t indulge.
Don't be Lazy
You might love his music but ‘The Lazy Song’ by Bruno Mars should not be your travel aesthetic.
Sometimes, it’s hard to function when you have nothing to be accountable for. However, you’re not going to be able to experience the cathartic, soul-freeing experience of solo travel if you’re not going to leave your room.
So, train your mind to get over that static inertia (I’m a science student. Can you tell?) and head out. You’ll be thankful for it.
Stay in a Hostel

This advice works on two levels. Wait three. The most obvious one is the fact that its budget-friendly. Secondly, you get to meet fellow solo travelers. You can make friends and probably go exploring with them too! I mean solo travel might mean alone but it doesn’t necessarily have to be lonely. And finally, safety in numbers. Right?
It’s always believed that travel is a way to find yourself and learn from the experiences of the world. And honestly soul searching needs a little bit of solitary time. Getting away from your life and being content with yourself as you venture through unknown terrains can bring a lot of joy. Philosophical, but true.
Hopefully these tips help you take that leap. What would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments.
Until then, Bon Voyage.
My solo trips were some of my best trips ever! I agree with all your tips, especially always tell your family where you are just in case anything happens!
Very useful tips, even for seasoned solo travelers like me. When I first started traveling solo 10 years ago, my oft-repeated mistake was oversharing with strangers. Mostly, it was my ego speaking. I was so proud to let everyone know that I was this brave girl traveling alone thousands of miles away from home with just a tiny backpack. See? I’m doing it again 😅
A great post for solo travelers! And even for couples.