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Harry Potter in Edinburgh – Places you need to visit!

If you’re a Harry Potter fan like me, it is impossible to visit the Scottish capital without looking for a little magic. Edinburgh is truly a Harry Potter treasure trove for the spell-casting, cloak wearing tourist. Exploring Edinburgh helps create an immersive experience and bring the story to life!

Whether you apparate, travel via broomstick or simply on foot, these locations will surely help awaken the wizard in you!

The Elephant House

Dubbed as the ‘birthplace of Harry Potter,’ The Elephant house is a must-go to experience Harry Potter in Edinburgh. It is located in old town, near Greyfriar’s Kirkyard which is yet another fan-favourite.

The claim of being the ‘birthplace’ of the worldwide phenomenon may very well be fiction, just like the books. JK Rowling once said that the idea developed on a train journey from Manchester to London. And as far as writing sanctuaries go, The Elephant House is probably one of the many cafes where she worked on her books.

That being said, it still offers a feeling of oneness with the fandom like no other. Sip on some coffee and enjoy the same ambience she did while writing her books.

The main attraction for me, however, are the bathrooms. Peculiar, I know! However, when you enter the restrooms you’ll see what I mean. As an ultimate homage to the series, the walls are filled with graffiti from loving Potterheads, myself included!

Greyfriar's Kirkyard

Also in old town, about 2 minutes from The Elephant House, is Greyfriar’s Kirkyard. While many tourists come here to visit Bobby’s grave and listen to the story of love and loyalty, Potterheads love it for very different reasons.

Allegedly one of the most haunted cemeteries in the world, Greyfriar’s Kirkyard is said to have many graves with names inspiring some of Rowling’s popular characters.

I remember seeing Riddell, McGonagall and Moodie. It’s also a really popular location during Halloween where you’ll find wizards wearing cloaks, holding wands and indulging in a good old-fashioned duel.

George Heriot's School

One look at the architecture and your doubts about Geroge Heriot School being an inspiration for Harry Potter will vanish. Poof! Our tour guide also told us that this is where JK Rowling’s children went.

The uniforms are said to be quite representative of Hogwarts. George Heriot school also has four houses denoted by four distinctive colours. Ring a bell?

Unfortunately, you cant enter the school since it is functioning. However, you can have a peep from the gates. One of them just so happens to be in Greyfriar’s Kirkyard!

Balmoral Hotel

Located on the ever so popular, Princes Street, the Balmoral is another essential in your search for Harry Potter in Edinburgh. It’s where JK Rowling wrote her last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

It is a 5 star hotel and if you’re willing to burn holes in your pocket you can book a stay in the JK Rowling suite which is approximately £1,400 a night. If you’re in it for the experience, maybe something more affordable like tea should suffice.

Victorias Street

A cobbled stone street with coloured houses. It’s easy to see why this would be an obvious inspiration for Diagon alley, down to the eclectic shops.

Known to the non-believer/muggle as Victoria’s Street, this winding lane truly looks like magic. It also has shops selling plenty of Harry Potter merchandise so it’s a good idea to stock up for your year at Hogwarts!

Although JK Rowling never actually stated that Victoria’s street inspired Diagon Alley, the Potterhead in me will always believe. It’s also a popular tourist destination for those who would like to experience a piece of the old town.

Edinburgh Castle

While there is no direct proof that Edinburgh Castle inspired the architecture of Hogwarts, the resemblance is too uncanny to be ignored. Sitting atop Castle Rock, the Edinburgh Castle stands tall and can be seen from most parts of the main city.

Apart from this, Edinburgh castle also has its fair share of dark history. If you’re a connoisseur of the dark and dingy like myself, you’ll love to hear the stories.

Suicides, treason, drowning, burning at the stake, witch trials and more! It’s also a popular tourist destination so Potterhead or not, I have a feeling you’ll end up here anyway.

Department of Magic

If you want to enjoy a little firsthand Harry Potter Experience in Edinburgh, then the department of magic is the place for you!

It’s a completely immersive activity that takes 2 to 3 hours. There are two activities. One is the themed escape room and the second is the potion making experience! The holy grail for the ultimate Potterhead! You have a game master and are also provided with cloaks and wands to complete the experience!

Harry Potter Shops

Edinburgh is riddled with shops selling good quality Harry Potter merchandise so that you can take a piece of magic home with you! My favourite place, however, is The Boy Wizard. The closest outlet is actually located on Victoria’s Street and sells all kinds of memorabilia. These shops are definitely worth a visit!


It’s interesting to know that while Edinburgh was home to JK Rowling and also where her major writing took place, none of the films have actually been shot here. There are, however, filming locations spread out over the rest of Scotland.

While you can visit all these places in your own time, you also have the option of doing free or paid Harry Potter themed tours. They last approximately 2.5 to 3 hours.

If you want to explore some more locations, I suggest checking out The Dog House. It doesn’t have any Harry Potter significance in particular but is popular for serving Butterbeer.

Located on High Street near the City Chambers are Edinburgh Award recipient JK Rowling’s golden hand prints circa 2008. They’re worth checking out too!

As always, we want to hear from you in the comments. So please feel free to leave any suggestions, advice or just share your own experiences for our fellow Sangria sippers and soul searchers!

Until then, Bon Voyage!


  1. This is AMAZING! I love HP, and it’s so fun to learn some of the behind-the-story info. I didn’t realize JK Rowling was here while writing some of her books! And yes, that totally looks like Diagon Alley!

  2. I’ve been to Edinburgh a few times but I actually had no idea that Edinburgh has such an influence over Harry Potter! This is so interesting! You can totally see how it has inspired the world! I definitely need to get myself to the Department of Magic!

  3. I went to Scotland so long ago, but I need to go back! I love all the HP stuff and I need to see all of this again! Usually, I don’t like escape rooms, but this one actually sounds fun!

  4. I already love visiting Edinburgh, but the Harry Potter connection makes me love it even more. I had heard about some of these places but others were new to me. The Balmoral is a place to dream of staying isn’t it?!

  5. I’m a huge Potterhead so I loved this post! When I went to Edinburgh in 2008, I don’t remember there being so much Harry Potter stuff. I think it is high time I get back to check it out. I definitely want to sip a coffee in the Elephant House and I had no idea that Rowling’s kids attended a school so similar to Hogwarts. Thanks for making this great guide – I’ll definitely be using it, hopefully some time soon. 😀

  6. I love these suggestions! Edinburgh looks gorgeous and I can see why it was the inspiration for a lot of Harry Potter. I would love to visit one day. Will remember your suggestions.

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    • Hi! Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. As new bloggers, your comments help keep us going and excelling. We’re glad you liked our content and even happier that you read our privacy policy. Thanks a bunch!

  8. One more suggestion : a link with facebook or instagram would make it even more easy for connectivity.

  9. Beautifully written , short and precise : just enough to let you in . I must say its a great initiative and the whole design is so immaculately done. Would love to follow and gasp the experience portrayed through this amazing soul connecting journey with offcourse a sip of sangria.

    By the way how did this caption came up? I am in love with it. Cheers and all the best

    • Thank you so much for your kind words!
      Sangria and Soul basically revolves around the idea of ‘Quenching your soul, one trip at a time’ because that is what we love to do. Sangria of course is a popular fruit wine and travel is good for the soul!
      We’ll keep you updated with posts in the future for sure!

  10. Although , I having heard the Harry Potter movie series from my son when he was growing up and discussing the scenes there in with his cousins.

    My interest and knowledge was limited to that of just another children’s film.

    But your blog rekindled the passion in me to discover the places, the castles, the country side, which was a very seeding premise for an Epoc series.

    I , think this lockdown wouldn’t have come at a better time than now, and is so perfect enough to catch up with the series and make up for my lost time.

    The photographs on your blog are mesmerising, so are the enthralling description along with the set time line. I have an eagerness to visit these places and capture them in the god gifted camera before the twilight.

    Will see you in your next post.

    • Thank you so much for the kind words! Comments like yours motivate us to do what we do! Harry Potter is definitely a fan favourite and considering that Edinburgh is the home of the franchise, this post was a no-brainer.
      We hope to churn out more content and new posts soon.
      Until then, Bon Voyage!

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